Conference Calendar for January 22, 2019

Sep 23, 2022
Industry News

Welcome to Phoenix Medical Services' comprehensive conference calendar for January 22, 2019! As a leading provider of medical services, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest industry events and seminars. In this calendar, you will find a detailed list of conferences happening on January 22, 2019, that can help you enhance your knowledge, network with peers, and gain valuable insights to better serve your patients.

1. Keynote Address: Advancements in Medical Technology

Join us for an enlightening keynote address on advancements in medical technology. This session will explore the latest innovations, breakthroughs, and trends in the field of medical technology. Renowned experts will share their insights, and attendees will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and Q&A sessions.

2. Panel Discussion: Enhancing Patient Care through Collaboration

Collaboration is key to providing exceptional patient care. In this panel discussion, esteemed healthcare professionals will emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and share successful case studies. Discover how effective collaboration across various specialties can lead to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.

3. Workshop: Strategies for Medical Practice Management

Running a successful medical practice involves more than just medical expertise. Join this interactive workshop to gain practical insights on practice management strategies. Learn about optimizing operational processes, financial management, patient engagement, and marketing techniques to grow your practice and achieve long-term success.

4. Breakout Sessions: Focus on Specialized Medical Fields

4.1 Breakout Session: Oncology Updates

Stay updated with the latest advancements in oncology by attending this breakout session. Leading oncologists and researchers will present cutting-edge research findings, emerging therapies, and patient management strategies. This session is a must-attend for healthcare professionals involved in cancer care.

4.2 Breakout Session: Neurology Insights

Explore the fascinating world of neurology in this informative breakout session. Experts will cover topics such as neurodegenerative disorders, advances in diagnostic techniques, and personalized treatment approaches. Gain practical knowledge that can be applied in your clinical practice to improve neurology patient care.

4.3 Breakout Session: Cardiology Updates

Cardiology remains a rapidly evolving field. Attend this breakout session to learn about the latest advancements in cardiology, including innovative treatment options, non-invasive diagnostic procedures, and preventive cardiology approaches. Expand your knowledge and enhance your ability to manage cardiovascular diseases.

5. Networking Lunch and Exhibitions

Take advantage of the networking opportunities and browse through exhibitions during the lunch break. Engage in meaningful conversations with industry professionals, explore new medical products and services, and foster collaborations for future projects and research endeavors.

6. CME Credits and Certificates

Attending conferences can contribute to your continued medical education. All sessions in this conference calendar are eligible for Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits. Earn CME credits by participating actively in the sessions, and receive certificates of attendance to showcase your commitment to professional development.

7. Registration and Venue

To join these enlightening sessions and elevate your medical knowledge, register online through our official website at Secure your spot early, as seats are limited. The conference venue is conveniently located in the heart of the city, providing easy accessibility and ample parking facilities for attendees.


Phoenix Medical Services is dedicated to keeping you at the forefront of the medical industry. Don't miss out on the incredible educational and networking opportunities offered by the conference calendar for January 22, 2019. Expand your knowledge, connect with peers, and drive your medical practice towards excellence. Register now to reserve your spot!

Peter Kim
Great resource to connect with medical professionals and expand knowledge!
Nov 8, 2023
Anatoly Bushler
This is exactly what I needed! Thank you for making it so easy to find all the upcoming medical conferences.
Nov 3, 2023
Eldar Imanov
The detailed list of conferences in this calendar is impressive. It's clear that a lot of effort went into gathering this information.
Oct 24, 2023
Zach Mauga
This calendar is a great resource for staying informed and connected in the medical field.
Oct 17, 2023
Tim Armstring
Thank you for compiling this helpful calendar! It's great to have all the important medical conferences for January 22, 2019 in one place.
Sep 23, 2023
Victor Postillion
I appreciate the effort that goes into compiling this conference calendar. It's a valuable resource for medical professionals.
Sep 14, 2023
Rabeendra Mahaliyana
I appreciate the effort that went into creating this calendar. It's a valuable resource for medical professionals.
Jul 27, 2023
Lori Galles
What a great initiative to provide a comprehensive conference calendar for medical professionals. It's a fantastic resource.
Jul 6, 2023
Angela Sebastiana
What a fantastic resource! It's great to see all these important events listed in one place.
Jun 19, 2023
Tony Baker
This is such a useful tool for keeping track of important medical conferences. Thank you for sharing! 👍
Jun 12, 2023
Shailesh Kalra
Having all the conferences listed here is so helpful. Thank you for making it easily accessible!
May 30, 2023
Sean Rowland
As a medical student, this calendar is incredibly helpful for planning my attendance at relevant conferences. Thank you!
May 23, 2023
Tammy Mitchell
I can see the value in having all the conference information for January 22, 2019, consolidated in one place. Thanks for sharing!
May 17, 2023
Manju Kesani
Thank you for compiling this calendar! It's a great help for those of us in the medical field.
Apr 10, 2023
Abby Dionisio
Thank you for providing such a comprehensive list of conferences. This will be incredibly useful for anyone in the medical field.
Apr 1, 2023
Martin Malins
I find this calendar to be extremely useful for keeping track of upcoming medical events. Thank you for putting it together!
Mar 11, 2023
Toma Stamenkoeic
I'll definitely be referring to this calendar when planning my conference schedule. It's comprehensive and well-organized. 👏
Feb 15, 2023
Susan Holbert
I'm impressed by the thoroughness of this conference calendar. Thank you for putting this together.
Jan 29, 2023
Robert Green
Thank you for providing this valuable conference calendar! It's great to have all this information in one place.
Dec 24, 2022
Placeholder to create oppty
I'm so grateful for this resource. It's really valuable for my work in the medical field.
Dec 23, 2022
Olumide Oniyanda
This is fantastic! Having all the info in one place makes planning so much easier.
Oct 22, 2022
I love the convenience of this calendar! It's a time-saver for sure! 👍
Oct 21, 2022
Rafael Alvarenga
This calendar is a real time-saver! I can easily plan my schedule for the upcoming conferences. Thank you!
Oct 15, 2022
Dennis Jensen
I'm impressed by the thoroughness of this conference calendar. It's clear that a lot of research went into creating this list.
Oct 2, 2022